It’s Called Karma Baby

Customers Are Always blog has a great post Enthusiasm, Spirituality, and Karma in Business. I particularly like this quote:

Yes, I truly believe that there is such a thing as karma in business. What you give comes back to you tenfold.

I couldn’t agree more. A number of years ago I did a blog design for a friend, free of charge. Another acquaintance noticed me for that design and recently I have started doing some web design and blog designs for them. Without doing that first site I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have been recognised by my new client.

I never did the original blog design expecting anything but sometimes what goes around comes around.

4 thoughts on “It’s Called Karma Baby”

  1. Yup I’m quite the believer in “what goes around comes around…” – though I tend not to work for free these days mostly because it never lead to more (paying) business from the client.


  2. > though I tend not to work for free these days mostly because it never
    > lead to more (paying) business from the client.

    Totally agree Daz, in fact that should be a post in itself. This was a friend so a slightly different situation.

  3. Whenever things are down in any aspect of my life I try to stay positive, because it is my belief that everything evens out in the end. In business it’s helped me stay focused on building my business and relationships.

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